Monday, May 26, 2008

Champagne, Switzerland, Gets No Kick from Its Name

CHAMPAGNE, Switzerland: Makers of sparkling wine in the United States, Russia and Ukraine can appropriate the Champagne name for their products, but an innocent baking company in this tiny Swiss town is out of luck.Marc-Andre Cornu was salmon fishing in Norway when he got word. His secretary was on the line, saying that lawyers for the Swiss distributors of French Champagne had written to say he could no longer use the brand name his family had used since the 1930s. Three generations, beginning with his grandfather, had labeled their breadsticks and cookies "de Champagne," after their Swiss village, nestled among the vineyards that creep north from the shores of Lake Neuchtel.The lawyers' letters were only the first twist in a legal tangle as intricate as the gnarled and knotty grape vines hereabouts.In 1998, Switzerland reached an accord with the European Union that allowed its former national airline, Swissair, to make stopovers in European Union cities.

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