Thursday, May 1, 2008

Culinary Careers, No Cooking Involved

(ARA) - Do you dream of a career in the culinary arts, but fear you wouldn't be able to handle the heat in the kitchen? Sweating it out as a chef isn't the only route to career success in the food world. You could opt to sip wine for a living instead."A culinary arts career doesn't have to be limited to cooking," says Mary Frances of, a Web site that helps consumers find culinary educational institutions. "The hospitality and restaurant industries also need sommeliers, managers, marketers and event planners. You can have a satisfying career in the culinary world even if you don't know how to fry an egg!"Thousands of schools across the country offer two- and four-year degree programs to help you land a food, hospitality or restaurant industry job without ever having to step into a kitchen.

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