Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Unconventional wine expert says the number of taste buds determines your wine preferences

Wine expert Tim Hanni tells me I'm a closet White Zinfandel drinker.

Oh geez. If word gets out, I'm finished in this town.

Hanni, one of the first two Americans to pass England's prestigious Master of Wine exam, assures me that it's not my fault. He believes that taste in wine is physiologically predetermined by the number of taste buds on the tongue. Besides, he says, there's nothing wrong with White Zinfandel.

"The wine industry has convinced people what they have to drink to be sophisticated," Hanni says. "We're making mistakes from false assumptions and from not knowing how drastically an experience might vary from one person to the next."

Many leading scientists agree with much of Hanni's taste-bud theory. Some of the movers and shakers in the wine industry don't.

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