Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Liquid Assets: Some cheap and easy-drinking red wines

The experience: The cab (cited at left) is not the only great value coming out of this winery. This is a rarity: a really tasty, cheap ($10 or less) merlot from California. It seemed a tad one-dimensional at first but opened up nicely to deliver layers of ripe, plummy, caramel-laced flavors and a sturdy finish.

The setting: A splendid "cocktail wine," this merlot also would pair well with pizza and burgers (particularly if there were mushrooms involved with either); beef, lamb or veal stews, and even salmon or tuna steaks.

The back story: WineStreet Spirits' Tom Keim called Cycles Galdiator's Adam LaZarre "the hottest winemaker in the Central Coast area. He comes across like a stoner surfer boy but really knows his stuff." Love that Belle Epoque label, too.


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